Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The 100 Follower threshold has been breached!

While I was out of town over the weekend, I noticed that the 100 follower threshold had not only been reached but broken! Thank you all for joining.

First up we have Chris. Thanks for joining. I am not sure if you have a blog or not from your profile. Let me know and I will update.

Next is Grigork of the Megalomaniac. He has some good AARs posted on his blog with the most recent being a Black Powder game.

And number 102 is Ubique Matt from Ubique. He has recently launched into YouTube AARs. Good stuff.

I really aught to do something to commemorate this.

Now that the CSIR book is done (31 books sold at this point), I am looking for my next project. I know I want to do more with the Roman Dux campaign idea. I also want to do another Sp supplement. I am not sure if I should go with the continuation of the AWI stuff or maybe a Terrible Sharp Sword thing around Atlanta in 1864. I am actually a little bit adrift hobby wise right now. I have a painting table with some left over WWII Soviet troops. I have painted up some additional casualty figures for the Soviets and part of a platoon. I should finish that this week. Maybe.

I was looking at some research that I had for a skirmish that would be perfect for Terrible Sharp Sword. I thought I has lost it. Then I remembered that I had blogged about it back in 2011. Great. How to find it? Well Google offers a nice search gadget to pop on the blog. A few clicks later and I have it - The Battle of Jug Tavern August 2, 1864.

Cool small feature that is really useful. Now, what to do about Jug Tavern....


  1. Congrats Chris.

    Well my vote is for TSS. I think my SP game on Terry Haney day will be a SP ACW one. I was going for a AWI game with sone SC militia or a fight around Charleston. But I think newbies will identify better with ACW

    1. OK. You have convinced me. Back to the skirmish at Jug Tavern.

  2. Congrats Chris.

    Well my vote is for TSS. I think my SP game on Terry Haney day will be a SP ACW one. I was going for a AWI game with sone SC militia or a fight around Charleston. But I think newbies will identify better with ACW

  3. Congrats Chris.

    Well my vote is for TSS. I think my SP game on Terry Haney day will be a SP ACW one. I was going for a AWI game with sone SC militia or a fight around Charleston. But I think newbies will identify better with ACW

  4. Congratulations on reaching this milestone Chris! Looking forward to seeing more about Jug Tavern - what a great name.

  5. Congrats on hitting the 100 mark Chris!!
