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World War II
For World War II I have three rule sets that I use. The first is I Ain't Been Shot Mum are rules for Company sized engagements. You can get away with larger battles without much difficulty. Next are Troops, Weapons and Tactics and Chain of Command. Both of these are aimed at battles between platoon sized forces.
Germans 1940 | Germans 1941 | French 1940 |
British BEF 1940 | Soviet Union 1941 | Italy 1940-41 |
Germans 1940 | Germans 1941 | French 1940 |
British BEF 1940 | Soviet Union 1941 | Italy 1940-41 |
Italians in Africa | German DAK | British forces in Africa |
British | Soviet Union | United States |
British | Soviet Union | United States |
Germany |
Early War
These are miniatures that cover the beginning of WWI from 1939 through 1941.
German Rifle Platoon - 1941
The rifle platoon contains a Leutnant, a Feldwebel and a 5cm light mortar team in its headquarters. I only have two men as part of the light mortar team instead of the requisite three. I will add a riflemen to them at some point.
There are four squads that are each composed of a Obergefreiter, an LMG team of 3 men and a rifle team of six men.
Supports Lists | Picture |
List One | |
Satchel Charge | |
Medical Orderly | |
Engineer Mine Clearance Team | |
Engineer Wire Cutting Team | |
Engineer Demolition Team | - To Be Painted - |
Adjutant | - Off Table, no miniature - |
Minefield | |
Barbed Wire | |
Road Block | - None Yet - |
Kubelwagen | |
Two Solo Motorcycles | |
Motorcycle and Side Car | |
Entrenchments | |
List Two | |
Panzerbchse 38/39 Team | |
Le.GrW36 5cm Mortar Team | |
Pre-Game Barage | - Off Table, no miniature - |
List Three | |
Sniper Team | |
Flamethrower Team | - To Be Painted - |
sPxB41 2.8cm AT Rifle | - None Yet - |
Panzer 1B | |
SdKfz 221 or 223 | |
SdKfz 251/1a-c | |
List Four | |
PaK36 3.7cm ATG | |
leIG18 | |
Engineer Section | - To Be Painted - |
Forward Observer | - To be based - |
MG34 on Tripod | - Need two figures - |
Panzer 35(t) | |
Panzer 38(t) | |
Panzer III E-G | |
Panzerjager I | |
Kleine Befehlspanzer I | |
Sdkfz 10/5 AA Halftrack | - None Yet - |
Sdkfz 222 | |
StuG III A-E | |
List Five | |
Regular Infantry Squad | |
Flak 30 or 38 2cm AA Gun | - None Yet - |
Pak36(t) ATG | - None Yet - |
PaK38 5cm ATG | - None Yet - |
Motorcycle Aufklarungs Squad | |
Sdkfz 231 or 232 (8 Rad) | |
Panzer II A-C | |
Panzer II H or J | |
Panzer IV D-F | - lost picture - |
List Six | |
Panzer II D Flamm | - None Yet - |
Panzer IVF1 | - None Yet - |
sIG33 15cm |
Soviet Rifle Platoon
The Soviet Rifle Platoon was commanded by a Leytenant and a Starshina. Rounding out the headquarters was a M39 50mm mortar team.These were over the four squads. Each squad was commanded by a Serzhant and had nine riflemen, a rifle grenadier and a DP-28 LMG with two crewmen.
Squad One | Squad Two |
Squad Three | Squad Four |
Also there are odds and ends that are not necessarily needed for the game but add a bit of color to things. I have quite a few of those as well. The Chain of Command game does not call for dead markers but I think it leaves the battlefield looking better than just miniatures that are tipped over or the magically vanishing dead guys. Supply wagons are also not called for in the rules but for a scenario, they could make for a useful objective. I used one in my Cabbages and Wells scenario where it was used by engineers to bring their equipment to burn a village before the Italians could seize it.
Item | Picture |
Dead Soviets | ![]() |
Supply Wagon | ![]() |
Great Britain - BEF
Great Britain - North and East Africa
Italy - North and East Africa
Forces:Germany - Theaters: France, Greece and Russia
Unit Type | Date | Description | Link | Rule Sets |
Motorized Company HQ | 1940 | Missing Vehicles, a squad and the second LMG for each squad. Also need to finish basing. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Motorized Infantry Platoon 1 | 1940 | Missing 2nd lmg team and some base work | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Motorized Infantry Platoon 2 | 1940 | Missing 2nd lmg team and some base work. Missing vehicles. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Motorized Infantry Platoon 3 | 1940 | Missing 2nd lmg team and some base work. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Line Infantry Company HQ | 1940 | Need to paint the wagon and finish basing. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Line Infantry Platoon 1 | 1940 | Need to paint the wagon and finish basing. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Line Infantry Platoon 2 | 1940 | Need to paint the wagon and finish basing. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Line Infantry Platoon 3 | 1940 | Need to paint the wagon and finish basing. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Motorized Company HQ | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T | |
German Armor | 1940-1941 | Need to touch up some paint and add markings. | Link | IABSM, TW&T |
Forces: Italy - Theaters: France, Albania, Greece and East Front
Unit Type | Date | Description | Link | Rule Sets |
Company Headquarters | 1941 | Only officers painted | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
1st Platoon | 1941 | One figure needs work on base. | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
2nd Platoon | 1941 | One figure needs work on base. | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
3rd Platoon | 1941 | Still being painted | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
MG Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Light Mortar Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Armor Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Esploratori Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Dismounted Bersaglieri Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Bersaglieri Motorcycle Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Anti-Tank Gun Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Infantry Gun Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Cavalry Platoon | 1941 | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC | |
Engineers | 1941 | Some work needed on bases. | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
Casualties | 1941 | Some work needed on bases. | Link | IABSM, TW&T, CoC |
Late War
Great Britian - Italy, France, Germany
United States - Italy, France, Germany
World War One
Russian Empire
The intent is to create a force for Mud and Blood with 15mm miniatures from Peter Pig. Here is the start of said force.
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