Wednesday, October 16, 2013

More Stuff

Carl and Dalauppror have both signed up here. Welcome guys. Carl runs the Hitting on a Double 1 blog. He was mentioned here recently with an excellent give away with some really good books. In addition he has some nice AARs for his blood bowl games that I have been reading through.

Dalauppror runs a blog by the same name Dalauppror. This is a great blog with the unique Very Swedish Civil War and a Mideval Sweedish Dux Britanarium campaign. Excellent AARs, terrain and well worth visiting.

Official ACW Gamer Miniature Arrives
I just received in the mail my official ACW Gamer miniature. It is an excellent piece. I am not sure what I will do with it yet. Currently, it is residing on my desk at work. It may just stay there for a bit.

In my mail box this morning was a wonderful treat. I received my winnings from Ian's give away. Once I was holding the Thin Red Line, I remembered seeing it and look forward to watching it again. The Immortals I had never seen so I will probably watch it first. Thanks Ian!

More Work on the Games Day
Well, I managed to get some basing done on a few odds and ends for the Chain of Command game. I now have all of my engineer teams ready. Should be able to wrap the Soviets today. Next is the Italian odds and ends.

Just have to get to the post office and mail out some prizes to folks and I am almost up to date.