Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Next Projects

Now that the War of Jenkin's Ear supplement is complete, I am looking for the next projects. I will hopefully get some games in with the supplement but I am looking towards the next ones.

ACW Naval

I am keen to try naval landing scenarios. I am using 1/600 scale miniatures. So far I have a couple of painted ships. I am trying to decide if I want to go with Peter Pig infantry or something like Pico armor for the landing forces. I think this could make for an interesting game. The naval miniatures that I have are for actions that occured on the Atlantic coast from Virginia to South Carolina. What is limiting progress at this time is some research and a 3d printer. I have STL files but currently no printer to use. But I have my letter in to Santa already.

Thirty Years War

Here I would like to have a skirmish game about the size of Sharp Practice forces. The rules I want to use are up for grabs. I have a handful of miniatures so far but none have seen any paint. Ultimately, I'd like some Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman, Swedes and Germans. I am looking for good books about skirmish actions in this time period. Not having that much luck so far.

Seven Years War

Another period that I have started and not done anything with. I have a couple of Prussians and Austrians. Some I purchased painted. I will use Sharp Practice for this. I do have a good book about skirmish actions that I need to finish reading. Ultimately, I would love to have an Ottoman force as well that I could use with Napoleonics as well.


There are several possible directions here. One that currently interests me is the fall of Dessau in April of 1945 by the US 3rd Armored Division. This is largely due to my Mother being in the city at the time. I have her account of the American occupation. This will require me to get some child troops given the state of the defenders at the time. My Mom wrote of Hitler Youth training with panzer fausts and one of her friends died when the one he was training with exploded on him.

The other campaign that interests me is the 3rd battle of Kharkov. I have put off looking at this with the recent troubles that the city has befallen with the Russians. But I am still interested in doing the campaign.

Another area that I considered doing was part of the Italian campaign. Possibly following the jewish Brigade.

Lastly, possibly the Tunisian campaign. This is one campaign that I have done no research into. The terrain could prove to be a challenge.

Yom Kippur War

Lastly, a What A Tamker campaign set in the Golan would be interesting. I have a few tanks for this and given What a Tanker, this would be enough. If I end up with a new 3d printer, I would create a bunch of wreck models for it.

Anyway, there are my thoughts for next year. I'd like to hear if there were any of these that interest you.

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