Thursday, February 6, 2025

Church at Singling - Progress

I finished spackling the building and gluing the ridge tiles in place. I think I made a mistake in trying to paint the brick paper on the stepple. I am not completely happy with it. I used a speed paint of Army Painter Holy White. It made for a grayish color. I am not happy with it and will paint something else on it. Possibly a drybrush of white of somekind. I need to prime the 3d printed elements. These will be a gray color. I haven't decided on what the windows should look like.

Just to compare, this is the building now and in the war.

I have several other buildings started but none are for the town square besides the church. So far I have a stable, a ruined stable, a house and barn. These are from Empires at war. So far they have been assembled and the roofs built out. The tile ridges are still trying and this explains the tape. I put filler on three of the buildings and hope to get some paint on them later.

The next build will be the School House. The school house is a simplier building. My thought was to use Warbases 2 Storey Townhouse model as the base for it. It will lack a central chimney that I would have to build. The upper windows match. I have a 3d model of the doorway to use and will move the other windows over. I am not sure about the backside of the building. In addition, the building is on a ridge so the back of the building is taller than the front. Here is the building today.

You can see the changes from the war. Here is the image taken after the battle.

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