When you work on a 3d model, you never know how it will turn out until it is printed. I had a friend print out the model that I cobbled together for Building 10 in Singling. The results were interesting. The building itself came out well. The side portion also printed well and looks good. The main building, I didn't piece together well enough and it left a cut in the building that is currently held together by the window frame. The main roof is the problem. The join between them failed. The roof was too thin and looks bad. It will need to be reprinted. I may try to print from my resin printer to see if there is a difference.
I finished the assembly of the parts of the Warbases Townhouse building. I am using brick paper for the chimneys. I have about half of one of the two chimneys done. The building will be plastered and I may add shutters. still debating.
The order from Tabletop Terrain order came in. The models are very nice. They are detailed and come in multiple parts. Far more parts than I had anticipated. It will take some fitting to get them to work. The L Shaped Barn arrived in ten separate pieces. I am trying to figure out how to assemble it without messing up the models.The Cafe Gonderee model is very nice as well. It comes with a removable roof and separate floors. It is a little more straight forward on how to assemble. These will be nice additions to the table.
I brought home a 3d printed version of the Singling School. I was disapointed. The windows on the back are barely visible. The details on the front door are almost invisible. Also the building came out smaller than the scratch built version. The slanted base that I had made for it is also too small. I will have to scratch build a base for it. Hopefully that won't be too bad. For the scratch built one, the back and side windows still need to be reprinted as well as the center second story window. I have a file ready to print, just not the time to print it. I did get the front center window printed over the weekend with a partial print of some Sherman Tanks for the scenario. The print failed to print part of the hulls. The treads had some issue being removed from the supports and one broke.
The image above you can see the original broken window from the first print and the other windows of the second print. I may need to rethink that thickness for other projects.
I started work on the L Shaped Barn. I had to sand the parts where the buildings joined as they were a bit rough. The Join on the corner had a piece that extended I cut with a band saw so the pieces fit together. In doing this, the model broke but not too badly so it could be glued. I am doing a few pieces at a time. I will end up with a solid building piece in the end and a solid roof in the end.
I also started work on the Cafe Gondoree over the weekend. I glued it together and will deal with it as a single piece instead of removable floors.
Sorry for the rambling nature of this post. I put it together over the course of a week.