Monday, March 3, 2025

Tabletop Terrain & Sabotag3d

I have been seeing ads for Tabletop Terrain popping up in my feed for quite some time now. In looking through their items, I have been drawn to the large Rural Barn in their WWII range. It looked ideal for Singling. There is a "U" shaped farm building near the middle of the town. I am only using a portion of this building in one of the scenarios. This building would give me more than enough to work with. I placed an order for it today. In addition, I picked up the Cafe Gondoree Benouville model as well. Depending on how it shipps, I may only use the smaller half of the building. It has the slopping roof that I was looking for.

The prices on their models seem reasonable and the shipping didn't seem outrageous. (They did have some shipping methods that would heve been 3xs the cost of the models. I did not pick one of those.) They have many different categories of buildings and depending on how these come out, I may be ordering some more.

I have also been eyeing some of the wonderful things on the Sabotag3d website. I jumped in and bought their farm items (green houses and outbuildings) as well as some shutters. I am looking forward to printing these. This should give some nice updates to existing buildings. There are lots of gems on the website but some of them are harder to find than others.

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