Friday, September 25, 2020

War of Jenkin's Ear Beta is now Available

The Beta is now available. The Beta includes the STLs for a Scout Boat and a Piragua in both 1/100th scale and 1/300th scale. It also has files for a Galley, Galliot and Fusta in 1/300th scale. That should provide the ships that are not commonly available from other vendors that are used in the supplement. These are STL files that can be printed out on a 3d Printer. I have an Anycubic Mega-S and have gotten good prints off of these files.

The Beta is out to get feedback. When the final version is ready, I will update the Beta with a discount code for anyone who buys it to get 75% off the final version. If you send me any changes, questions or things that just are plain wrong, I will send you the final product for free. Contact me through the contact form on this page and I will send it to you when it is ready.

You can find the beta at the link below:

Thank you for your help and feedback.

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