Friday, June 19, 2015

Chain of Command Campaign and Check Your 6

I had some free time this week and tried an experiment. How many games of a Chain of Command campaign could I get in if I kept using the same table but rotated the starting positions of each side. It was a very successful attempt.

The games were set on the Eastern Front with Germans pushing the Russians in the Ukraine circa 1941. The patrol scenario did not go well for the Germans. They took a beating and did a withdrawl. In the second scenario, things were reversed. The Germans managed to give the Russians a significant beating while only loosing 2 men.

At that point, I put the game on hold. It was getting late and I had to work the next morning. Now had I had the opportunity to start earlier, I could have finished 4 or more games in a day had I wished. Not changing the terrain definitely sped up getting the second game going.

But what did the game look like? Well I only took one picture.

This gives you a good idea of the open farmland that was being fought over. Not a great picture but it was something.

For the first time this year (I think) I made it out for a game of CY6 at Gigabytes. Good scenario and better company. I flew a Russian recon flight that was trying to escape the Germans. Six Russian fighters joined in the fun to cover for me. I managed to get 2 of 3 aircraft off the board before scenario end. Thanks Mark for hosting a great game.


  1. So glad you could make the Cy6 game. Amazed at how many times that I153 shrugged off hits from the 109s and even got a shot in! You need to make some more Tuesday night games.

    1. Thanks Mark. It was a very fun game and I was surprised I had any of the I-153s that survived, let alone 2 of them.

  2. Makes sense to fight over the same piece of land twice, I suppose. Day 1: a small patrol. Day 2: a skirmish. Altering starting positions sounds logical, too.

    Chris, is there any chance of you adding a "Follow this blog by email" button? Then I'll know when you've made a new post (I hope) - the blog roll still isn't updating for your site, I'm afraid.

    1. It is there but it is below a bunch of other stuff. I will move it up on the page. It has been lost in all the other noise.

    2. Okay, I'll subscribe to it when you move it - but I can't see it, anywhere, at the moment.

    3. It should now be immediately to the top right of the article.

    4. Ah, sorry, not the Followers button. I'm already on that and it's not updating for your blog (for me).
      This is another button that is called "Follow by email". It's number 16 on the list of gadgets.

    5. Just signed up for it - got an email saying this:

      "Email Subscription Confirmed!
      A message will be delivered to you if the publisher has produced new content on that day. No new content, no email for you."
