A warm welcome to Wiatrog who has recently joined up. If you have a blog, please let me know so I can post a link to it. Thanks for joining up.
Well I made up my list on what to buy through Amazon. I was surprised at how many miniature related items you can get on Amazon. I made my list and checked it twice. What I ended up with was not too bad.
1) Christopher Shores' book "A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940 - 1945 Vol 1" I used his earlier book as a source for my two North Africa Campaigns.
2) The Flames of War "Rural Fences and Fields" boxed set.
3) A pack of Corvus Belli Sheep.
4) The Flames of War "Log Emplacements" set.
5) The Flames of War "Large Desert Building" box.
6) The Flames of War "Battlefield in a Box Desert Buildings" set.
7) The Corvus Belli Early Imperial Roman Command II pack.
8) The Corvus Belli Early Imperial Roman Auxilliary III pack.
9) The Corvus Belli Early Imperial Roman Cavalry II pack.
10) The Corvus Belli Early Imperial Roman Auxiliary IV pack.
Well, that had me going through the games cabinet looking at my Desert items. I have enough painted Italians for a Chain of Command platoon of Colonial Troops and for Regulars. I have all of the miniatures that I need for British regulars but nothing is painted. I have more Desert armor than I thought and it is painted but I think it is painted for Europe rather than the desert. Given the current focus on the desert actions at the TooFatLardies, I may be detouring from my plans.
I did manage to pick up enought Early Imperial Roman troops to get that project moving at least. The question will be what will I paint first.