
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Singling House and Barn

I did get some painting done on Sunday and Monday. I finished off a barn from Empires at War. I had plastered the barn but left the exposed brick portions alone. I then painted it up. The roof is some plasticard tiles that were painted. In general, I think it came out pretty well.

I also revisited the blue house I had worked on. The house was far to bright. So I used some Army Painter Light Tone that was watered down to try to dull our the house. I think it is better but the stains I had placed on it originally is too dark. But I will keep it.

The town continues to grow. I worked on cutting out the road section for the town square. I made a paper template earlier and ended up cutting the roads larger than the template. I am not 100% sure this is perfect but it isn't bad. I am looking at existing buildings that i had and seeing if i can use these in the town as well. There are definitely differences in painting styles between the buildings but I think it will work.

I have started working on a destroyed house that I will use off the town square. The building is assembled. I will need to plaster it and then glue down some additional rubble. Then it will need painting. This is the building that I will use for the one on fire on the town square. I should be able to work on this in the next few days.

The School needs to be worked on. I am concerned that I'm running out of the tile roofing material. This building, along with the church, are notable structures in the town. I have sketched out a template for the building that I will use to cut out some thick card or foam core for. The house, building 28, on the town square will also be on my to do list. There really isn't any significant architectural items for me to 3d print. I have some rough dimensions for the building and will try to sketch out a template for it next. The roof will be the worrisome part of it.

Infantry wise, I just received a package from Gajo Games. I have sorted through the miniatures and am very pleased with what I received. My only problem is I will need three more LMG teams to complete out a Panzer Grenadier Platoon. For the scenario, I am probably OK as the platoons were greatly reduced. It came with two PanzerShreck teams. I need to base these. They are wonderfully painted. I am very pleased. I also received my US troops as well but didn't take them out of the bags yet. This should be more than enough miniatures for the battles. However, I am still working on how to integrate the German infantry into the actions given their performance in the battle.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Singling Project Continued

I started to assemble a ruined house. This will probably serve as the burning house on the town square. The plan is to order some infantry from Gajo miniatures to have a winter base platoon for both US and German infantry. (Note, I just placed the order today. Gajo has excellent customer service and I have ordered from them before.) This will open up some additional options for gaming. I have a winter platoon of Soviets still in the box unopened. I will eventually get to these miniatures.

For the town square, I will look to work on the streets for it. I will likely make a set piece that will be the roads as it is such an odd join. I have made a paper template that I need to match up with the existing road thickness that I have. The My current roads are felt strips that are covered in grout, sand and paint. They are simple and seem to work.

The church is largely done. The other buildings on the town square would be buildings 7, 8, 28, the school. Building 8 is an L shaped house. Seven is also a house. I may use the blue house that I have painted up for it. The school and building 28 will need to be scratch built. House 8, I will look for possible buildings I can purchase. These will be my focus for the time being. If you look at the village now, Building #7 is now replaced with a new cinderblock building. Building 44 has been rebuilt and seems similar to the original eventhough it was buring during the battle. Building 6 no longer exists. There is a picture of it at the time of the battle and does not look significantly damaged. Buildings 8, 9 and 10 are no longer present. There are new buildings in its place or an empty lot. Building 12 is a set of row houses both then and now. The building was damaged during the battle but it is unclear if this building is a replacement or just rebuilt. Now a street exists where before it was an alley betwen buildings 10 and 8. The school house still stands. A new building now exist between the school (still standing) and building 23. It is unclear if the building in the space where building 23 stood is that same building or a new one. The large U shaped farm structures are still present but are likely new construction.

For the other tables of the battle, I think I have a good selection of miniatures. I do need three JadgPanzer IVs. The 11th Panzer Division, whose Panther V tanks were in Singling, had as one of its organic units the Panzerjager Abtielung 61. This unit was equipped in November 1944 with a mix of Marder III and JadgPanzer IV vehicles. There are pictures online of knocked out vehicles of both types attributed to this unit. The after action reports list the self-propelled guns as ones based on a Panzer IV chassis mounting a 75mm gun. This matches the Jadgpanzer IV and not the Marder III. This is still just an educated guess but a reasonable one.

I need to make some winter trees. They should be straight forward. To make an orchard, it should be a difficult thing. I believe that I have spare tree sprues to do this. Most are from the

Once more as things are finished, I will post pictures. I have been enjoying building this up.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Singling Updates

The Church came out too light in color. I gave it a black wash over the weekend that was thinned out with water. I am not entirely happy with it yet. I may put some undiluted wash in places to see if that will give it a splotchier look. Here it is in the current version.

Again, here is what I am aiming for:

I think I am getting closer but am not there yet. The blue house needs some more distress to the building. This will provide a good background building outside of the immediate town square. No progress was made on the barn, stable or ruined stable. The central table in the campaign will have a large number of buildings. Besides the church, school and a home on the town square, there will be two townhouse blocks, a large farm building, and eight houses. But this is for a 15mm table. It could be reduced for one in a larger scale.

what is now clear to me is that I will need more dirt roads. I have at least six feet of dirt roads now. But the section for the town square is such an odd shape I would need create something. The screen shot below is the current town square. The roads have been paved since 1944. During the battle, they were ankle deep mud. But the shape is similar. I marked out the principle buildings on the square.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Church at Singling - Progress

I finished spackling the building and gluing the ridge tiles in place. I think I made a mistake in trying to paint the brick paper on the stepple. I am not completely happy with it. I used a speed paint of Army Painter Holy White. It made for a grayish color. I am not happy with it and will paint something else on it. Possibly a drybrush of white of somekind. I need to prime the 3d printed elements. These will be a gray color. I haven't decided on what the windows should look like.

Just to compare, this is the building now and in the war.

I have several other buildings started but none are for the town square besides the church. So far I have a stable, a ruined stable, a house and barn. These are from Empires at war. So far they have been assembled and the roofs built out. The tile ridges are still trying and this explains the tape. I put filler on three of the buildings and hope to get some paint on them later.

The next build will be the School House. The school house is a simplier building. My thought was to use Warbases 2 Storey Townhouse model as the base for it. It will lack a central chimney that I would have to build. The upper windows match. I have a 3d model of the doorway to use and will move the other windows over. I am not sure about the backside of the building. In addition, the building is on a ridge so the back of the building is taller than the front. Here is the building today.

You can see the changes from the war. Here is the image taken after the battle.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Little Progress

Little progress has been made on either the Roman/Celt project or on my Singling 1944 project. I am considering to do the campaign in both What a Tanker and for Chain of Command. Given that the principle action was between armor and the occasional artillery barrage, WAT seems to fit well. I should be in a position to start playtesting soon. I am lookig forward to trying out my new battlemat that I got for Christmas.

I did get in a few moments on Thursday and started to plaster the church. I still have one side left to do. My plastering skills are suspect but I think it is workable. I managed to get around the windows and door frame without covering them completely. I have also glued most of the tile on. I have two more small sections to finish on that. I am using masking take to hold the pieces in place while the glue dries.

I need to start thinking about how the buildings will be painted. The reports of the battle list the schoolhouse as a brownstone building. The houses were painted white, red, yellow, blue and pink. Most buildings had red tile roofs. I am not sure how I will paint them up. Building #44 from the historical maps is painted yellow today. However, it was on fire during the battle and is not likely the same structure. The church seems to be a gray or dirty white structure currently. Historical images of the building look like it had a white brick stepple and a very dirty looking main building. This may have been due to the smoke from nearby fires and the damage it took in the fighting. The building #28 on the square is currently a white building. I could not find a historical image of this building. Nor could I find any reference to its color.

This weekend it is camping with the Scouts, so maybe I will get a chance to do some more work on Sunday.

Edit: Here is a picture of where the church stands at this point. No pro0gress for the weekend.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Printer issues Resolved -Singling Church continued.

Finally, I was able to get the magnetic print base to stick. A little super glue went a long way. I got a clean print done of the church steeple. In addition I now have extra church steps and window frames. The first door frame came out wonky so I have a clean print of it as well. I set these out to dry last night and will put them under UV light tonight for curing.

The steeple came out better than I thought it would. I got some help from the Tinkercad facebook group in getting the shape right. I am not 100% sure it is centered correctly but it is close. I plan on using brick paper for the bottom of the steeple.

The church is currently just taped artist mounting board. It is a little rough at the moment but I plan on plastering it and adding the 3d Printed Items to it. I would like to base them but need to order something to base them first. You can see the cut out for the steeple in the picture. I plan on reinforcing everything with some hot glue on the inside. That should make it sturdy.

The other buildings that I have been assembling are the Sarissa Precision terrace block.

The terrace block back gardens (Also Sarissa).

And a stable and a house from Empires at War.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Singling Church Continued...

Attempted to print out the Steeple and other items for the church. The print failed as the new magnetic build plate came unglued and fell into the vat. This time I super glued the magnetic plate on to see if it would hold better. Just kicked the job off again.

I also started to build some of the MDF models that I have. I have built a stable, a bombed out stable, a house (all empires at War) and a Sarissa terrace house. The Sarissa model was wonderful. However, the yards that they have, the walls are made of card and extremely fiddly. The card has to be folded in half and glued. Getting it to line up was problematic. I am waiting on the glue to dry on those. I have a few other building from unknown manufactures that I worked a bit on the roof until I realized, I only dry fit the buildings. Lastly, I built a Sarrisa American Cabin. That was an easy and fun build. I will have to get more of these once the Singling project is finished.

I am looking at winter infantry. I think I will order from Gajo and get painted miniatures. I think this would be the fastest option. We will see.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Singling Church

I started my build of the Singling church over the weekend. I had some left over artist mounting board from a previous project that had enough room left and I mocked up the walls for the church.It took some trial and error but I have the form of the church complete. I will reinforce the building with plenty of hot glue. What I am looking to do is seal the mounting board. Years ago, I had a spray can of sealant that I had. I will look for something similar to try to protect this. I have just sliced the details for the church that I did in Tinkercad. If I can, I will take these to my printer today.

The School house is my next target. I also sliced the doorway that I made. There was not enough room on the print bed to include that with the Singling church items.I purchased the townhouse building in 15mm from Warbases. This should be a good base for the school building. I will need to add another chimney to it. I am undecided as to how to do the windows. I may 3d print them like I have for the church. The school is on a terrain change. The front of the building is at the top of a hill. The back half of the building is on the downhill side of the building. Currently, there is a parking lot behind the building. It is uncertain what would have been behind it during the war. I am assuming some kind of yard for recess. I am uncertain how to model this for the tabletop. The hill plays a significant role in the battle. As in places, the Americans used the hill for a hull down position and the infantry took cover behind it as well. My thought would be to build a separate understructure for the hill to cover with a terrain cloth. Then the building can rest on it and an extension under the building. Still thinking it through.

Other Items...
When I ordered the townhouse, i have also ordered some raven dice for Midgard. I liked the look of the Ragnar raven dice and figured I would get some at somepoint. So in the cart they went.

Things have slowed with my Roman project. I just haven't had time to paint miniatures. Hopefully I can get to it this week. I would love to have at least one fully painted project.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Mansio Troubles

The basing for the mansio proved to be a disaster. The card warped badly and looked horrible. I pulled the building off and didn't ruin too much of the paint on the building. I still want to base it but may wait until I can order some of the base materials from Sarissa Precision.

Before I order those, I need to place an order with Litko for more metal bases for my miniatures. I am still trying to figure out the group basing for the celts. I don't really like what I currently have. Either the washers used have too much zinc or the magnet in the movement tray is too weak. Or a combination of the two.

I started to look at terrain for the Singling scenario. I have laid out the likely buildings from what I already have. I do have some that will do which is nice. I will need to do some modeling for some of the houses for the town square. I think I already have a pretty good start on that. I wish the old blog posts from TooFatLardies were still around. Rich did some excellent tutorials on making buildings that I really liked. The one he did for his Post-Roman British church is one that I wish I could see again.

I started assembling an Empires at War French farmhouse last night. While waiting for the glue to dry, I assembled a Sarissa Cantina that I found that I had forgotten that I ordered a long time ago. I am looking forward to painting it up. I have several other French buildings, including barns and stables. The center of Singling had some agricultural buildings and it is noted that there was a massive manure pile in the middle of the town between some houses. While that was probably OK in the winter, I can't imagine that being a healthy thing in the summer months.

I have started to plan out the church that I want to scratch build. I have the size worked out but I need to determine the material that I will build it from. After the basing disaster for the Mansio, I am hesitant to build it out of card.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

New Book - Nothing but Blood and Slaughter Volume 4

With some Amazon cards received at Christmas, I was able to get the 4th book in the series by Patrick O'Kelley. This covers the battles in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia for the year 1782. It is a slimmer volume but is still very interesting. The partisan nature of the battle in the south is emphasized with the continuation after the fall of Cornwallis' army at Yorktown. i am not sure that I will end up making any more books in the series on the war in the South for the AWI. But this one has me thinking.

Between work and helping my son complete his paperwork for his Eagle Scout application, I have been swamped and have not done anything hobbywise. I did buy the PDF copy of The One Ring RPG rules and have been enjoying the "Waking of Angmar" podcast. It is very interesting. I have been pleased with the Free League Publishing rules. Betwen the new Twilight 2000 mechanisms and TOR 2e, it has been a fun read and something to think about. I am wondering how to use these elements to time them into other wargames. Who knows. Probably nothing will come of it.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Roman Mansio and Pint Sized Campaign Musing.

Infamy Infamy Project

Over the weekend, I had a few moments to work on some miniatures and terrain. I wanted to finish the mansio that I started. The base that I decided on using was some thick cardboard that I had lying around. This was likely a mistake. After putting basing matter on the cardboard, it began to wrap upwards. I flipped it upside down and coated the bottom in PVA glue in hopes to reverse that. This made me rethink how I plan on basing the Villa. I will use plastic for that. We will see if the base can be saved of the mansio.

The tower is complete. I do not plan on basing it.

The new Celts I received, I managed to get mounted to painting sticks. This should complete out my Briton/Celt/Gual force. This will give me 3 full units of armored/noble infantry. The problem that I have for them is basing. I had based the rest of the celts on steel washers, and then used a magnet sheet for the movement tray. What I noticed was that this does not work as well as the reverse that I use for my Romans. The Romans are based on magnet sheet and I use a steel rectangle for the movement tray. To assist the Romans to be able to line up better in formation, I have glued a thin wood strip to the front of it that the bases can push up against. Their basing has worked out well. The Celts are another story.

I did get some paint onto the horses and riders for my Roman Cavalry. Not much but the spears are painted as well as the horses tack for a single group.


I have been looking for winter troops to buy for an upcoming project. I may go with Gajo Miniatures as I can get them painted already. It seems like all of the metal Battlefront figures have been replaced with plastics or are unavailable. That was disapointing. eBay was not that much help either. Now that I have a snowy ground cloth, I really should have winter equipped soldiers. My previous supplements had summer uniform troops running around in the cold. I should do better. I am eyeing a German platoon at the moment. I found a box of winter Soviets in a drawer that are unpainted. Not what i needed but a welcome find.

For the village Church, I am happy with the STLs that I have made for the details. I found some plastic bits that I plan on adding as well. Next step will be to make the walls of the building and see what I can make. I have some unstarted buildings that I was looking over. I am seeing what can be modified to make it look more like the buildings from the town.

Reading the account, I have decided to custom model the buildings around the town square. Thus far I have targeted the church and school house. I will also work on the other building between the two. I am still trying to piece together what that will look like. The tough part is figuring out the maps and where to snip them to match the action of the historical battle. For most of the day, according to the US Army publications on the battle, the Germany infantry has little to no impact on the battle on the 5th of December right up to late afternoon. The German panzer Grenadier battalion was reduced to just 150 to 200 men. Those troops that the Americans did encounter tended to either get shot or surrender without much of a fight. The German Armor and artillery played the largest roll in the battle.

My thought at this point is to have three simultaneous tables for the battle. An oversized section that is slightly out of scale running up to the north west, another centered on the village square and a third on the east side of town running up to the valley in the north. The Germans would have some set forces that will be present on each table already deployed with some static jump off points. The Americans would enter the table at specific points with the goal of taking the town. The Germans would have a number of forces that they can use as a reserve and pick which table they want to deploy to. So once that resource has been deployed, it is committed and cannot be used elsewhere without leaving the table and attempting to move to the new location. They will have to have a clear path to get from one point to the other or the resource does not arrive at the other location. This is just a preliminary idea. I also want to utilize some off table resources. There was a 75mm anti-tank gun that was deployed north of the town that fired into the town and knocked out at least one American tank. I am not sure how to use that yet. My thought is that the infantry can spot it and relay the message to the tank crew or if the tanks are unbuttoned they can have a chance to spot the gun in the distance.

I am looking forward to v2 of Chain of Command and what it holds.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Attempt at 3d Modeling a historical Church

In working on the current Pint Sized campaign, I looked at the scenery for the town in question. In particular for the buildings that stand out the most in the battle. One in particular that caught my eye was the town church. It is not a particularly impressive structure. It looks more like a shoebox than a cathedral. But it did have a few unique features. The doorway was rather distinctive. So i took my hand at making just the doorway. I have a period picture of the church and the church still stands today so it can be seen in Google Maps Street View. This is a huge help. The buildings in the town in several instances extend out into the street itself. How this is not a terrible traffic hazard, I am not sure. The battle has a number of pictures of the town just after the battle. This is helpful but the Google Street view allows you to get a better understanding of the spacing that you loose with some of the historical images.

Historial Church as of December 1944:

Church Front Today:

After doing the entrance as 3d files. I think I will also model the windows. There are four windows per long side of the building. The building will be made outside of my printer as the printer is too small to handle the building, even though it is a small church. I am thinking of going with foam core for the building. The image taken of the church after the battle showed that it survived mostly intact but the stucco was pock marked on the walls and in many cases, the stone underneath can be seen. Since the town was shelled prior to the attack, I will probably try to model the damage on the church. The modern church has whitewashed walls with a white and black steeple. The roof appears to be tile. The town had mostly tile roofs so this makes sense. The historical image supports a white and black steeple. The steeple roof is black while the square building part appears to be brick.I can only guess at the building color. Possibly a brownish color.

Details modeled so far:

The back of the church is extended out (my geometry eludes me to describe the shape) to make the building a little more interesting. During the fighting, the steeple took fire from US forces thinking a sniper would be present in the building. It was also struck with something heavier than a rifle round to leave a large hole under the window on the front face of the church. The blinds covering the window in the steeple appear to have been replaced with smaller thinner ones compared to the period picture. I am unsure if the roof of the steeple has changed over the years as the picture of the church cuts that part off. I will base the steeple roof off of the modern building.

Back of Church:

I will mess with mocking up the building later today. I don't plan on modeling all of the buildings from the town. Just a few that stand out and seem important to me. So far my list has:

1) An MG bunker: Probably purchase the Sarissa one at some point.
2) The AT Gun Bunker: I may just look and see what is available.
3) The School House: Another building with pictures from the time and still stands in the city across from the Church.
These are just my first thoughts. The others I have some that seem similar enough to stand in.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Celt Village and Happy 2025

Over the Christmas break, I was able to get some work completed on some terrain. I finished painting the Celt Village from Blue Moon/Old Glory Miniatures. I am mostly happy with how they came out but feel that the thatch roofs could have been better. The picture is on top of some small shelves that my son bought me for Christmas. It was a pretty useful gift.

I also managed to finish plastering the watchtower. I also have gotten some paint on it as well. I have purchased some speed paints with my Christmas money and tried a dark wood on the platform and woodwork. I am still undecided on how it looks. I started painting the tile roof but that still needs more work.

I also plastered the Mansio and most of the Villa. The Mansio has been mounted on a base as well. This should help keep it together. I also glued the elements of the mansio together. I will have to do the same with the villa as well. It is just proving to be more fiddily than the Mansio was. The hope is to make progress on these soon.

I also placed an order with Sarissa Precision for the barracks from their 15mm line of Roman Buildings. I saw that they have a Roman farm as well. I am very excited about picking that up as well, but that is for the future. I found a nice small house on Etsy that seemed to be at a reasonable price. But the shipping was close to $60 for it, so I passed on that one. I will probably get the Vicus buildings from Warbases 15mm line at some point.

Celts.... I got in my order from Stonewall Miniatures. I now have enough for two more groups of noble warriors for the Celts. These will be a mix of sword and spear armed.

I also now have more Auxilia to paint. I was really surprised that I have three more groups worth of Auxilia infantry to paint. This is besides the cavalry and the painted Romans that I have. I am wondering if I should get some Legionaries but at the moment, I will pass.

Other items, I purchased a BattleMat Bazaar ground cloth. I got the double sided one with a winter snow on one side and something green on the other. I am looking forward to getting it. I have plans for a December 1944 pint sized campaign for Chain of Command. I am concerned about how much in the way of rewrites will be needed when Chain of Command 2 is released.