
Friday, January 10, 2025

Mansio Troubles

The basing for the mansio proved to be a disaster. The card warped badly and looked horrible. I pulled the building off and didn't ruin too much of the paint on the building. I still want to base it but may wait until I can order some of the base materials from Sarissa Precision.

Before I order those, I need to place an order with Litko for more metal bases for my miniatures. I am still trying to figure out the group basing for the celts. I don't really like what I currently have. Either the washers used have too much zinc or the magnet in the movement tray is too weak. Or a combination of the two.

I started to look at terrain for the Singling scenario. I have laid out the likely buildings from what I already have. I do have some that will do which is nice. I will need to do some modeling for some of the houses for the town square. I think I already have a pretty good start on that. I wish the old blog posts from TooFatLardies were still around. Rich did some excellent tutorials on making buildings that I really liked. The one he did for his Post-Roman British church is one that I wish I could see again.

I started assembling an Empires at War French farmhouse last night. While waiting for the glue to dry, I assembled a Sarissa Cantina that I found that I had forgotten that I ordered a long time ago. I am looking forward to painting it up. I have several other French buildings, including barns and stables. The center of Singling had some agricultural buildings and it is noted that there was a massive manure pile in the middle of the town between some houses. While that was probably OK in the winter, I can't imagine that being a healthy thing in the summer months.

I have started to plan out the church that I want to scratch build. I have the size worked out but I need to determine the material that I will build it from. After the basing disaster for the Mansio, I am hesitant to build it out of card.

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