
Friday, November 29, 2024

Roman Cavalry

I managed to paint ten Auxilia Cavalry figures in the past two days. I am using Army Painter Speed Paints on the horses and they came out rather well. I still have to base them. I have settled on how I will base them. I cut up a magnet sheet and glued down each individual figure. This way I can make a magnetic base to put them on. I should be able to finish off the basing of these over the weekend.

I also managed to get the Engineers onto a large Flames of War base. They look like a work crew. I have also painted and based an engineer cart. It has felt good to get things done this week. I still have another set of engineers to paint up. I am still not sure why I have so many. I also have some figures that I will use for a rally point. These are slave figures that are holding a shield and have wax tablets to record the action. I will likely put these on a small Flames of War base. I also painted a scorpion and crew. These will go on a medium Flames of War base. Not sure it will ever see a game but I wanted one. The crew are legionaires rather than Auxilia but that is fine.

I also got some paint on a few pieces of the Hadran's Wall Mile fort. I am not happy with it and will likely try something else.

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