
Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Santa Clause 2015

Since Ian has kicked off the Secret Santa already, it is time to get rolling with the Santa Clause. If you were with us last year, you know how this works. If not, here are our ground rules:

Rule number 1:

To enter you need to either have a blog or be a regular follower of this blog (or Ian's) already. This is to give confidence to all involved that everyone will follow through to the end. If you have a blog and don't follow this one it's OK to join in. (I would still appreciate it if you did follow)

Rule number 2:

The idea is that each person involved buys a figure or figures to the value of less than £5 and paints them up to fit in with what the target blogger wargames or collects. Best would be some kind of command for the bigger scales but maybe a unit or two of such as 6mm or a building or... you get the idea.

Rule number 3:

Please try to send out your items so that they will arrive by December 20th in plenty of time for the big day. I will send out who you have on September 30th.

Rule number 4:

Please post on your blog about your participation. The more we can get on board, the more fun for all of us.

Rule number 5:

This is not intended to be a cheap alternative to Ian's Secret SantaTM. Instead it is a great opportunity to send and receive something that will be special BECAUSE it's a one off from a fellow blogger. Not that you have to limit yourself to something useful, feel free to paint up something that will just sit aside the painting desk or study etc and just give pleasure.

So that's the idea, it is another great way to connect with your blogging friends and get something really exciting at Christmas. I hope that this year will be as great a success as last year. Ian's wife did a fantastic job with it and from what I can see, everyone had a great time. If you are interested, please leave a comment here with your blog address. We need to be able to look and see what you are interested in. Then shoot me an e-mail to chrisstoesen at I need to know where you are located as well so I will need a mailing address to send to your Santa Clause recipient. I will cut off the registrations on September 30th.

That's it folks, lets get this going! I hope to see all of last year's participants back involved. It was a great time.


  1. Oh am I in, I'm as in as you can be, the total opposite to out.

    You did an excellent job last year and I hope you have the same success this year.

    Ian, Blog With No Name aka


  2. Oh am I in, I'm as in as you can be, the total opposite to out.

    You did an excellent job last year and I hope you have the same success this year.

    Ian, Blog With No Name aka


  3. It was wonderful last year and I'd be happy to join the bunch again!

    My blog?
    Monty's Caravan:

    Many thanks for your recurring efforts!


  4. I am in! I had fun last year doing this.

  5. Sign me up, it was good last year

  6. I'm in!

  7. I'm in! http:\\

  8. I'd like to be involved please

    Roy @

    1. You are in. Hey, when is the next cowboy blog game?

    2. Re: Blog game.
      I don't know. I was keeping quiet so as to not interfere with Clint's [Anything but a 1] game, but he had to have a change of idea on game and nothing has now materialised.
      Bit busy at the moment, sorting out my association with Colonel Bills and then there's the two Santa's and should I take part in the Analogue Hobby Challenge this year.
      If I do come up with a game I'll keep you advised.

    3. Update:
      Clint's just mentioned his play by blog game in his latest post. If I did put something together I wouldn't be running it until he'd finished his, so as to not cause confusion or conflict.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Can I join in please? My blog is something I started just before the kids arrived and I had to concentrate on other things. This is giving me the kick I need to crack on.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dammit. Work account shenninigans just then. I'm very interested in joining the proceedings again, Last year's gifts are sitting, pride of place in my cabinet :)

  12. O.K., I'm in.

    Happy Valley:

  13. Thank you for running this again, Chris!
