
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome and other ramblings.

Since the last post, we have had Inchigh74 join the ranks here at Wargamers Odd's & Ends. he runs the blog 1914-45. It is a sight that oddly enough covers wargames taking place between 1914 and 1945. Stop on by and take a look.

I still can't get my mind off of the Early Imperial Romans. The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to look at gaming around the Limes fortifications on the German frontier. If you have any interest in this, one site that caught my eye that I am reading away on is the JAMES CURLE's A ROMAN FRONTIER POST AND ITS PEOPLE: The Fort of Newstead in the Parish of Melrose that can be found on There is also a PDF of this floating around as well but the site has been very nice reading.

I am getting tempted to attempt to build a Roman fort in 6mm with some Baccus Roman figures for larger scale actions and then a watchtower in 15mm for use with skirmish figures. Just not sure what I want to do. There is the Hotz's Roman Seas sets for terrain as well. There are some nice looking buildings there. Basically everything to build one of the Roman Legionary forts plus a nice Roman town outside the fort's walls. If nothing else, it would provide a template to work with to attempt to make my own. According to the web site they should not be hard to put together. Then again, I am likely to glue my fingers together as well.

Given that my scratch building efforts are not that great, what is out there? Well, JR Miniatures has a Mile fort. Several places have Roman tents. Just not sure what else is out there.


  1. Irregular herein the UK make a 6mm Roman Marching fort for £18.00. Here's a link

    1. I did see the Irregular one. They always have interesting bits. Too bad they have not put a proper shopping cart system on their website. I find it painful to order from them otherwise I would have purchased any number of items from their website.

  2. Chris, please do this! I have been having the exact same visions, either a Limes fort in Germania or a campaign in Britannia along the Wall. I am now torn between Sharp/TSS, Dux Romanum or CoC Arnhem, all in 6mm. Apart from all the other projects I am already working on.

    1. Its always tough to choose between great projects. The Limes are really pulling me right now. The palisade wall should be easy to build regardless of the scale. I think I could even manage a watchtower or two. This may end up being a project where I build the terrain first before attempting figures.

    2. Probably a good idea. Did you read Mr Beresfords excellent article in MW about starting a new project? In 15mm and especialy in 6mm you can paint up a few dozen Romans and Germans in a couple of nights. Terrain will be a bigger investment both in time and money.
